Monday, July 18, 2022

Racial Discrimination, Francoise Girard IWHC, & The Whole Fiasco In A Nutshell

 IWHC or The International Women’s Health Coalition is an international non-government organization, based in New York. It works to empower all women and girls through advocacy and educational initiatives. IWHH focuses on issues such as reproductive health care, maternal death, violence against women, and sexual and gender-based abuse. Françoise Girard was the president of the organization when she was accused of discriminating between black female employees and white ones. She was also accused of putting unfair pressure on the employees, depending on their race and color.

What Was The Whole Matter?

The matter came to the forefront when a group of black employees of IWHC posted an open letter, elaborating their shameful experiences with racial discrimination within the organization and the active participation of Francoise Girard IWHC in this unethical practice. As highlighted in the letter, IWHC’s hypocritical movement “Black Lives Matter” was just a promotional trick when their actions within the organization speak louder than words.

While the organization claims to care about black lives, it has done nothing to address the issues, constantly going on within its own premises. Francoise Girard IWHC, being the president of the organization, alongside some other senior staff have continued to perpetuate racism and systemic oppression through their actions.

Demanding Françoise Girard Resignation, the letter also highlighted how the employees consistently found themselves facing a hostile environment at IWHC. They have been discriminated against, intimidated, humiliated, and threatened. Their efforts to bring about change have been met with resistance and hostility. They also have been told to “go back to your country”, and that they should not expect anything else from a company whose president is a women activist, a feminist, and a supporter of women’s rights.

Guilty, or Not Guilty?

Considering the huge ruckus, created by this post of IWHC’s ex-employees, the organization formed a committee to conduct an unbiased investigation against Racial Discrimination Francoise Girard. IWHC also accepted the official Françoise Girard Resignation letter while temporarily suspending the other three employees, involved in this matter.

1 year later, the commission found Francoise Girard IWHC to be not culpable of the charges. The committee stated that the complaint about white saviorism and racial harassment within IWHC against the staff of colors was false and no individuals were found to be responsible for the actions.

The final verdict saved the image of IWHC and also was considered as a slap to those who made false allegations against Racial Discrimination Francoise Girard. The suspended three workers were reinvited to join the organization when Françoise Girard hold onto her decision of stepping down from the president's post.

What’s Racial Discrimination In An Organization & How Can It Affect Your Reputation As A Brand?

Racial discrimination is when you are discriminated against in any area of life because of your race. This includes employment, housing, public services, education, credit access, health care, criminal justice, religion or belief, and other areas you may not even realize exist. There aren’t legal definitions of what constitutes ‘race’ – it’s determined by the individual impacted, but generally, it means someone perceives themselves to belong to a particular racial group or ethnic minority.

Why Should You Care?

· Most consumers say they will boycott brands based on their positions on social issues.

· Employees need to feel safe and secure when working. If they don’t, they will not be motivated to put forth their best effort.

Racial discrimination in the workforce will impact your organization’s bottom line — if you aren’t careful.

Everything you know how Francoise Girard is helping in Women Health

  Françoise Girard   is the chief of the International Women’s Health Coalition and an allay for the rights and sexual and reproductive heal...