Saturday, March 12, 2022

Françoise Girard Helped to Reveal The Darker Secrets For A Brighter Future


There are numerous organizations working worldwide to orchestrate various movements for women's empowerment. The name of Françoise Girard has always been at the forefront when there are activities involving the social health of the women. However, the slow impact of so many activities made people and the activists wonder, what can be the reasons for the failure of the movements? 

Reasos for slow progress

Many arguments regarding the slow progress of the women-centric campaigns showed some alarming facts.


  1. The movements always fall short in penetrating the backward races. It is so because many people who participate in the movements don't have the awareness themselves about the equal rights of women. 
  2. The investigation Françoise Girard following the resignation, revealed that the organization has many employees who implemented intimidation and poor treatment to the employees on the basis of skin color discrimination. 

It is vital to manage the people who are active participants of the movements for spreading the right word at a faster pace. 

Changing the mindset

The investigations following  Françoise Girard resignation showed the world that social work begins at home. If you are unable to teach the close ones in the periphery about the principles for which you fight, you will never succeed in sharing the same vision with the world. If you plan to change the mindset of the world's population, you have to change the mindset of people around you first. 

The thoughts and visions are like waves. The ripple effect continues for a long time and over a wider area. Thus, it is extremely important to maintain accurate work principles in the organizations and hire the appropriate people who will do the job for the sake of the motive and not as a mere means to get the payments. An open mind can be the best foundation for an equal society structure. 

Everything you know how Francoise Girard is helping in Women Health

  Françoise Girard   is the chief of the International Women’s Health Coalition and an allay for the rights and sexual and reproductive heal...