Tuesday, January 11, 2022

How Women's Health Is The Most Trending Topic In The Market?

Women should be taken as the priority, especially when it comes to their health. We all talk about gender equality, racial discrimination and all but somewhere we less spoke about the women health. As per the reports of Francoise Girard iwhc, Over 800 women still die every day in pregnancy and childbirth. Is it necessary to give some other statistics? Women are also facing emerging health challenges, as the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Here are 4 priorities for women and health worldwide:

As the COVID-19 mortality rates are getting higher among men than women, there is a huge need to protect women from being saved from the social and economic consequences. Before the viral health consequences reach you, make sure they are educated from Francoise Girard enough to deal with this.


  • Elevate the rank: Women should have been at the forefront of the pandemic response. You should elevate the position of women on different platforms. They should get protection from COVID-19 vaccines and sexual harassment and violence at work. 
  • Respond the violence: There are so many platforms that educate women to respond against violence. Violence against women is the biggest thing that needs to be prevented in the initial stage.
  • Ensure quality sexual: When it comes to sexual health, people still feel awkward talking about that. Women should be educated about safe sexual health. The owner should have knowledge about the safe and positive pregnancy and childbirth experience. By improving these things with Francoise Girard Women's health organisation, you can bring significant risks to health and well-being.
  • Increase women's participation: By improving women's participation in different fields, you can also make them motivated and help them to reach their peak. At the same time, the lack of gender inequality should be taken into consideration when it comes to Women's strength.

Summary: If you want to motivate the women, you can visit Françoise Girard investigation and gain motivation. 

Everything you know how Francoise Girard is helping in Women Health

  Françoise Girard   is the chief of the International Women’s Health Coalition and an allay for the rights and sexual and reproductive heal...