Sunday, September 18, 2022

Everything you know how Francoise Girard is helping in Women Health

 Françoise Girard is the chief of the International Women’s Health Coalition and an allay for the rights and sexual and reproductive health and rights of girls. She has been concerned in numerous sports in desire of women, including the fight towards girl genital mutilation (FGM), which she sees as a contravention of the human rights of girls.

In a latest interview, Francoise Girard IWHC discusses her obligations because the chief of the Global Women’s Health Coalition and the way she desired to sell campaigns towards racial discrimination. She considers it vital to promote women’s rights globally and through unique moves of IWHC, she is at the way to reaching it.

Francoise Girard Women’s Health Organization additionally feels that there have to be sufficient campaigns and sports concerning the growth of consciousness approximately the troubles confronted by women in the course of the world, especially in which the girls are facing discrimination due to their race, sexuality, color, creed, and religion.

After Françoise Girard Resignation from the president submit of the International Women’s Health Coalition, there was a ruckus concerning her genuineness closer to women’s health and discrimination. She served because the President of the IWHC from 2012 to 2020 however needed to step down from the submit after a discrimination case become lodged towards her for bullying a number of the personnel in the organization.

An institution of black girls and other girls of color wrote an open letter calling for the resignation of senior staff on the Global Women’s Health Coalition. The letter accused the motion of prioritizing white girls over black girls and different girls, specifically by Francoise Girard Women’s Health Organization. Later, however, she become discovered not responsible of all fees and launched from all of the allegations made towards her.

Even after Françoise Girard Investigation, recently, she joined a motion and discovered preventing towards laws and nations that limit abortions.

Services for prevention

Francoise’s organization affords unique preventative offerings consisting of colonoscopies and flu vaccinations. The offerings that new healthcare plans now cover is especially applicable to women, consisting of every year well-lady visits; a broader form of delivery manipulate education, counselling, methods, and offerings; help for pregnant women, together with screening for diabetes and breast-feeding counselling, and equipment; progressed cervical cancer screening; counselling for sexually transmitting infections in addition to counselling and screening for HIV; and screening and counselling for home violence. Apart from that, Françoise Girard resignation is a current buzz which you should be listening to about.

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Monday, July 18, 2022

Racial Discrimination, Francoise Girard IWHC, & The Whole Fiasco In A Nutshell

 IWHC or The International Women’s Health Coalition is an international non-government organization, based in New York. It works to empower all women and girls through advocacy and educational initiatives. IWHH focuses on issues such as reproductive health care, maternal death, violence against women, and sexual and gender-based abuse. Françoise Girard was the president of the organization when she was accused of discriminating between black female employees and white ones. She was also accused of putting unfair pressure on the employees, depending on their race and color.

What Was The Whole Matter?

The matter came to the forefront when a group of black employees of IWHC posted an open letter, elaborating their shameful experiences with racial discrimination within the organization and the active participation of Francoise Girard IWHC in this unethical practice. As highlighted in the letter, IWHC’s hypocritical movement “Black Lives Matter” was just a promotional trick when their actions within the organization speak louder than words.

While the organization claims to care about black lives, it has done nothing to address the issues, constantly going on within its own premises. Francoise Girard IWHC, being the president of the organization, alongside some other senior staff have continued to perpetuate racism and systemic oppression through their actions.

Demanding Françoise Girard Resignation, the letter also highlighted how the employees consistently found themselves facing a hostile environment at IWHC. They have been discriminated against, intimidated, humiliated, and threatened. Their efforts to bring about change have been met with resistance and hostility. They also have been told to “go back to your country”, and that they should not expect anything else from a company whose president is a women activist, a feminist, and a supporter of women’s rights.

Guilty, or Not Guilty?

Considering the huge ruckus, created by this post of IWHC’s ex-employees, the organization formed a committee to conduct an unbiased investigation against Racial Discrimination Francoise Girard. IWHC also accepted the official Françoise Girard Resignation letter while temporarily suspending the other three employees, involved in this matter.

1 year later, the commission found Francoise Girard IWHC to be not culpable of the charges. The committee stated that the complaint about white saviorism and racial harassment within IWHC against the staff of colors was false and no individuals were found to be responsible for the actions.

The final verdict saved the image of IWHC and also was considered as a slap to those who made false allegations against Racial Discrimination Francoise Girard. The suspended three workers were reinvited to join the organization when Françoise Girard hold onto her decision of stepping down from the president's post.

What’s Racial Discrimination In An Organization & How Can It Affect Your Reputation As A Brand?

Racial discrimination is when you are discriminated against in any area of life because of your race. This includes employment, housing, public services, education, credit access, health care, criminal justice, religion or belief, and other areas you may not even realize exist. There aren’t legal definitions of what constitutes ‘race’ – it’s determined by the individual impacted, but generally, it means someone perceives themselves to belong to a particular racial group or ethnic minority.

Why Should You Care?

· Most consumers say they will boycott brands based on their positions on social issues.

· Employees need to feel safe and secure when working. If they don’t, they will not be motivated to put forth their best effort.

Racial discrimination in the workforce will impact your organization’s bottom line — if you aren’t careful.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Everything you must know about Francoise Girard

Francoise Girard iwhc is a writer, an attorney, and a specialist in women's health. She is also an expert on civil liberties, sexuality, HIV as well as AIDS. Girard has been counselled by state-run administrations as well as UN agencies as a result of his preparation. She has played a key role in ensuring that comprehensive plan frameworks include and advance women's rights. 

Her sponsoring and writing have focused on the significant independence of women and young women, as well as their sexual and reproductive health and liberties. It is a prerequisite for all other elements of women's and young women's life.


She worked as a counsellor for IWHC, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPFWHR), and DAWN from 1999 to 2003, and then as a Leading Program Officer for International Policy at IWHC. It is a global network of women's rights activists from the global South. Before returning to IWHC in 2012, she was head of the Open Society Foundations' Public Health Program, where she had served as Regional Chief for Central and Eastern Europe and Haiti in the 1990s.

Girard has served on the board of directors of the Women's Funding Network, as well as the notice steering committee of Human Rights Watch's programme on prosperity and fundamental opportunities. She was the Director of the 2010 International AIDS Conference's Leadership Program Committee. It was a reasonable half-yearly gathering of 20,000 or more donors.Francoise Girard Women's health organisationis an organization that looks after women health and offer medical aid.

Feminism Makes Us Smarter was developed by Françoise Girard (FMUS). It's a correspondence platform where she encourages women activist activists from all around the world and engages in intelligent talks about what women's rights imply.

What is Francoise Girard's perspective on feminism?

Francoise Girard is a feminist and women's health advocate. She is devoted to making the world a better place for women. As feminism puts gender norms to the test, improvements in women's access to reproductive rights, health care, and violence protection have a positive impact on everyone's life expectations and well-being. Françoise Girard resignation is a recent buzz trending; however, it is not true.


Wrapping up, in the words of Francoise Girard, the benefit of feminism or, more accurately, equality for women is that women are given the same liberties as men. Instead of needing to wear long dresses and bonnets, we may dress comfortably in jeans and tee shirts.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Françoise Girard Helped to Reveal The Darker Secrets For A Brighter Future


There are numerous organizations working worldwide to orchestrate various movements for women's empowerment. The name of Françoise Girard has always been at the forefront when there are activities involving the social health of the women. However, the slow impact of so many activities made people and the activists wonder, what can be the reasons for the failure of the movements? 

Reasos for slow progress

Many arguments regarding the slow progress of the women-centric campaigns showed some alarming facts.


  1. The movements always fall short in penetrating the backward races. It is so because many people who participate in the movements don't have the awareness themselves about the equal rights of women. 
  2. The investigation Françoise Girard following the resignation, revealed that the organization has many employees who implemented intimidation and poor treatment to the employees on the basis of skin color discrimination. 

It is vital to manage the people who are active participants of the movements for spreading the right word at a faster pace. 

Changing the mindset

The investigations following  Françoise Girard resignation showed the world that social work begins at home. If you are unable to teach the close ones in the periphery about the principles for which you fight, you will never succeed in sharing the same vision with the world. If you plan to change the mindset of the world's population, you have to change the mindset of people around you first. 

The thoughts and visions are like waves. The ripple effect continues for a long time and over a wider area. Thus, it is extremely important to maintain accurate work principles in the organizations and hire the appropriate people who will do the job for the sake of the motive and not as a mere means to get the payments. An open mind can be the best foundation for an equal society structure. 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

What should you know about Francoise Girard Women's health organisation?

Francoise Girard is a supporter of lady’s fitness and feminism. She specializes in a higher lady’s society. As feminism checks restraining gender norms, trends in ladies’ get admission to fitness care, reproductive rights, in conjunction with safety from violence have constructive consequences on everyone’s existence expectation and well-being.

An easy scatter scheme in conjunction with a Pearson correlation of the Gender Development Index in addition to the Life Expectancy Index display a constructive linear affiliation among them! We distinguish there are various variables that donate to the one’s consequences; however, the occurrence of instances wherein gender affordable societies are healthier can't be unnoticed. If you want to know about Francoise Girard Women's health organisation, consider visiting our official website.

According to a chain on how gender in addition to fitness intersects posted via way of means of The Lancet in 2019, states with a larger percentage of girl physicians have substandard maternal and little one mortality rates, in addition to advanced existence anticipation for women and men alike. As feminism generates a greater gender-balanced employees and political representation, nations have a tendency to endow greater in fitness throughout the board.

It gave our marketplace a huge, enduring boost

Women’s incorporation in the employees after World War II translated into large macroeconomic gains. Given that women make up round 1/2 of the workforce, their addition had tremendous high quality ripple consequences in all industries. And we shouldn’t cease there: Incorporating even greater ladies in  the people can assist maintain our wealth vibrant.

As indicated via way of means of the Economist, the strengthening of vocation women is one of the maximum characterizing adjustments in  the industrialized world: “Goldman Sachs works out that, leaving any last matters equivalent, increasing women’ funding in  the paintings marketplace to male stages will assist GDP via way of means of 21% in Italy, 19% in Spain, 16% in Japan, 9% in America, France and Germany and 8% in Britain.

Going to the set off present, it's far woman’s rights that maintain women going on the subject of choosing occupations aside from the ‘purple collar’ occupations -, for example, the ones which includes close by subject paintings, journey and real paintings. To know more about Francoise Girard iwhc, consider visiting us now!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

How Women's Health Is The Most Trending Topic In The Market?

Women should be taken as the priority, especially when it comes to their health. We all talk about gender equality, racial discrimination and all but somewhere we less spoke about the women health. As per the reports of Francoise Girard iwhc, Over 800 women still die every day in pregnancy and childbirth. Is it necessary to give some other statistics? Women are also facing emerging health challenges, as the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Here are 4 priorities for women and health worldwide:

As the COVID-19 mortality rates are getting higher among men than women, there is a huge need to protect women from being saved from the social and economic consequences. Before the viral health consequences reach you, make sure they are educated from Francoise Girard enough to deal with this.


  • Elevate the rank: Women should have been at the forefront of the pandemic response. You should elevate the position of women on different platforms. They should get protection from COVID-19 vaccines and sexual harassment and violence at work. 
  • Respond the violence: There are so many platforms that educate women to respond against violence. Violence against women is the biggest thing that needs to be prevented in the initial stage.
  • Ensure quality sexual: When it comes to sexual health, people still feel awkward talking about that. Women should be educated about safe sexual health. The owner should have knowledge about the safe and positive pregnancy and childbirth experience. By improving these things with Francoise Girard Women's health organisation, you can bring significant risks to health and well-being.
  • Increase women's participation: By improving women's participation in different fields, you can also make them motivated and help them to reach their peak. At the same time, the lack of gender inequality should be taken into consideration when it comes to Women's strength.

Summary: If you want to motivate the women, you can visit Françoise Girard investigation and gain motivation. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Understand Why Women's Health Matters?

A healthy woman plays a great role in a healthy family. Nowadays, women are working in every professional field where men work. Women are educated regarding their health conditions at their workplace. The concern for women's health has increased day by day. Now women became strong, and they started talking about their health like Françoise Girard investigation. To meet with the recent lifestyle, it is necessary to make yourself healthy and wealthy. If you feel that you have any symptoms, then you should start taking precautions in the initial days.

Here are some of the major health concerns that women should check:

  • Breast Cancer: As per the reports of the WHO among 1 in 12 women are at the risk of developing breast cancer once in their lifetime. There are two common types of cancer that women mostly go through, and those are cervical and breast cancer. Early detection is always necessary to prevent cancer. Therefore so many platforms like Francoise Girard iwhcare there that have started talking about the cancer awareness factor publically. 
  • Cardiovascular Diseases: It is necessary to take care of the heart because cardiovascular disease is common nowadays. Heart ailments are the most concerning thing for women not all over the world. More and more women are diagnosed with this, as per the reports. These healthy lifestyles can be talked about when you follow a healthy lifestyle. For recovering from this, you need to adopt a healthy lifestyle in the initial stage. Staying physically active and quitting the bad addiction is a must.

  • Diabetes: You should check for diabetes also because there is a constant increment in the number of diabetes patients. There are also people who are going through type 2 diabetes due to an unhealthy lifestyle. This is mostly seen among the people who are obese, and smoke or are abused by alcohol.
  • Anemia: This is the most common among women because most of them have low hemoglobin. If you have low RBC, then you might go through anemia. Women might look healthy and feel energetic if they have a balanced amount of red and white blood cell account. Women feel exhausted and tired all the time, and this is the most common symptom.
  • Gynecological Problems: Women also go through gynecological problems, and they should be aware of it. There are so many platforms and speakers like investigation Françoise Girard who talk about Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and vaginal infections on the public platform without any hesitation. This condition arises due to the lack of hygiene, sexual activity, and infections. If this is not diagnosed in the initial days, then it might take a serious look.
Summary: Besides all these things, all you have to think about is depression and mental health too. There is no need to be shame about talking about these in the Francoise Girard Women's health organisation.

Everything you know how Francoise Girard is helping in Women Health

  Françoise Girard   is the chief of the International Women’s Health Coalition and an allay for the rights and sexual and reproductive heal...